the christian Art Studio ethos


   If there are any craftsmen in the monastery, let them practice their crafts with all humility, provided the Abbot approves.

But if one of them becomes full of pride because of his skill in his craft, and thinks he is conferring a benefit on the monastery,

he is to be taken off that craft, and not allowed to practice it again unless his pride has been humbled and the Abbot tells him he may do so.

                If any of the work of the craftsmen is to be sold, let those who have to deal with the matter see to it that they do not venture to act dishonestly.

Let them ever remember Ananias and Sapphira, lest they and all who commit fraud in the affairs of the monastery suffer in their soul that death which befell those two in the body.

In fixing the price the vice of avarice must not show its head, but the goods are to offered a little cheaper than can be done by people of the world,

so that in all things God may be glorified.

Chapter 57 of the rule of St Benedict for monasteries:

[Translation of Dom Bernard Basil Bolton OSB Monk of Ealing Abbey. Ealing Abbey 1969]